"..the most thought provoking, relevant and exciting discussion that I have had the privilege to attend."
Alison Lazerwitz, then - Head of Corporate Legal & General Counsel, Swarovski Corporation AG.
Traditional legal seminars are predominantly one-directional: experts set forth their views following a pre-set agenda and prepared handouts. Interaction might take place during Q&A, panel discussions or breaks. Each audience member must seek out content that applies to their individual needs, if there is any. If the traditional legal seminar is like a group coach tour, the Smarter Law Workshop is like providing you with your own sat-nav and vehicle for you to reach your chosen destination from your individual starting point.
Click this video for an overview of the Smarter Law Workshop format, the issues raised by legal leaders around the world and the exceptional reviews and results.
Attendee Feedback
89% Excellent, 100% Excellent + Good. 4.2 - 4.6 / 5
Content Quality 4.8 / 5 Delivery 4.8/5
"The trainer was fantastic, very experienced and picked up on key issues very efficiently"
"[Smarter Law facilitator] was excellent, his content and knowledge was amazing"
Content Quality 4.5/5 Delivery 4.6/5
"Absolutely excellent and by some distance one the best course I have attended - thought provoking, relevant and very useful, all brilliantly presented".
"The delivery of the courses was of the highest quality - a down to earth, realistic view of GC issues and how to address them. Many Thanks - I will be recommending this particular session to other...colleagues".
"It genuinely was the best one I’ve ever attended and there was so much to take from it into practice. I’m determined to try and put as much as I can into practice"
91% Excellent 100% Excellent + Good. 4.7 - 5 / 5.
4.75/5. "Inspiring and insightful workshop - loved the open conversations amongst in-house counsel and [the] way of specifically addressing the needs of the audience".
"I had the pleasure of spending a day with [the Smarter Law Facilitator] and several other GCs in San Francisco. Smarter Law is Smarter! I learned a ton".
Content quality: 4.64/5. "Trainer is very engaging" "...worked the room brilliantly", "excellent workshop supported by practical examples"
85% Excellent + Good. Speaker rating 4.67/5, Session content: 4.75/5
“Extremely knowledgeable. This was the best and most useful session I attended.”
“Best session of the Mid-Year Meeting--- [the Smarter Law Facilitator] was extremely engaging and gave me a lot of good ideas”.
“..very personable and knowledgeable. I enjoyed learning about law department metrics from him”.
“Incredibly engaging...[the Facilitator] transitioned back and forth very easily between being informative and comedic. I would absolutely attend future sessions with this speaker”.
“One of the best presenters of the conference. Exciting, dynamic, interactive - the entire topic area was driven by participant input. Obviously incredibly well-prepared...but able to address the needs of the people in the room.
Super valuable”.
Workshop Whiteboards: What's On Your Mind?
Smarter Law Workshops have a one-item agenda: What's On Your Mind? Attendees share their challenges and these are then addressed using our methodologies and case studies, resulting in tailored, practical action plans to address each challenge raised. See how the issues spontaneously raised by legal leaders in this private forum are so similar across hemispheres and cultures. We call them the Whiteboards of the World:

Demonstrating value
What is the right size of the legal department?
Make/Buy – Insource vs. Outsource?
How do you assess the Net Cost – resources vs. penalties?
How do you assess the value of proactive lawyering?
The business does not want our training or advice – and the gaps cost us!
How do I ensure knowledge & visibility of client legal issues?
How to create business consensus, buy-in & lawyers’ understanding?
Rolls Royce vs. VW Golf service?
How to change lawyers’ mindsets?
Role of Compliance vs. Legal
Optimal use of lawyers’ time?
How to find the right type of people?
How do you define & manage legal vs. business responsibilities?
Change management & implementation

How do I create an environment of change?
How do I implement a target operating model?
Doing More for Less
Training program for personal development
Legal KPIs, particularly quality
Demonstrating value
Organisational design & development
One team culture – going from “them and us” to one team
How do I understand and address my own patterns of resistance to change?
How to balance legal priorities to risk?
How to encourage my team & function to become more proactive than responsive?
How do I fully establish myself in the general counsel role?

Establishing an authoritative voice anew, in a changing environment
Demonstrating value?
Best, most effective, influential role for Legal in relation to the business?
Define optimal legal function role & model
Define and measure success
Right organisation structure & service level / mode for a multi-layered business
More for less
Speed of service
Continuing functional improvement in the face of management indifference and strategic uncertainty
Risk vs. Benefit balance
Staff morale in an evolving environment of regulation
Weariness of constant change in business organisation & environment
How do I attain the level of Managing Lawyer?

How do I demonstrate value?
What is the legal department mission and how do we achieve it?
What should the rules of engagement be?
How can I influence seniors & stakeholders?
Defining the right shape of the team
More for less
KPIs for the CFO / CEO
How do I operate I areas outside or opposite to my skillset?
How do you keep people interested in the absence of pay rises and promotions –
particularly high performers with abilities beyond the work available?
How do we adapt our own practices to constant change?
What skillset should a team/individual have for 5-7 years hence?